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Trainer: Meagan Holman
Core Competencies Addressed: Sustainability, Advocacy
Target Audience: Direct Service, Program Supervision & Management
About this Training: Decision makers from City Hall to the halls of the US Congress govern so many aspects of youth development work and the programs that area families rely on each day. By taking our concerns to leaders, we can increase the chance of youth development providers being heard, understood, and hopefully even well-funded. With the next Wisconsin State Budget coming soon, this is the time to learn more about how to act in the interest of the families you serve. In this training, participants will:
learn about civic engagement as a nonprofit program
understand the constraints, calendars, and procedural rules that dictate when and how elected officials can be engaged
know the best way to get your point across to decision-makers when time and resources are scarce for all involved
develop an action plan for first (or perhaps ongoing) efforts in advocacy
Trainer: Nikotris Perkins
Core Competencies Addressed: Professionalism/Professional Development
Target Audience: Program Supervision & Management
About this Training: As a manager in youth development there is a lot of time spent on logistics, tasks, and reporting. These are things that need to be done in order to run successful and quality programming. There is also high turnover, people are part time, and training is limited. It's a challenge. Coaching is the New Supervising addresses these challenges head on from team development standpoint. Coaching someone on the job means they provide better programming to youth. It means that not only are we able to positively affect the lives of those we serve but we consistently build a workforce. A qualified village to start, maintain, and help grow awesome programs for our city! Participating in this training asks managers to look at themselves as coaches answering the following questions:
What is your management style?
How do you excel in coaching and where do you struggle?
What will it take for you to move from day to day management to big picture coaching?
Managers will leave with a coaching framework, team vision, and 90 day goals. There is approximately 30 minutes of pre-work required for this session. Participants will receive an email with details one week prior to the training.
Trainer: Nikotris Perkins
Core Competencies Addressed: Program Design
Target Audience: Direct Service, Program Supervision & Management
About this Training: Planning an interactive session with time for questions and answers as well as concrete action steps is a feat. If you have a desire to "leave it all on the floor" The Fabulous Fifty can assist. From development to implementation to evaluation, this session will assist youth development professionals and those that manage them in creating sessions and units to engage youth and young adult audiences. Participants will:
Be able to develop and implement a 50 minute workshop
Be able to create objectives, goals, and strategies for session and unit planning
Identify facilitation strengths and growth areas
Create a recovery and ongoing evaluation strategy
Create a basic template for THEIR workshops
Trainer: Kelly Martin
Core Competencies Addressed: Health, Program Activities
Target Audience: Direct Service, Program Supervision & Management
About this Training: The Ask-Listen-Encourage workshop helps youth-serving professionals learn effective strategies for interacting with youth in a way that makes them feel heard and supported. The content we will cover includes various communication techniques that will help participants feel prepared to build more supportive, youth-centered relationships. Participants will learn how to ask more effective questions, what it means to listen actively to youth, and how to offer youth encouragement rather than praise. Through discussion, critical thinking, content presentation, role play, application activities, and reflection opportunities, participants will:
Understand the concept of positive, purposeful interaction with youth
Learn the characteristics of effective questions
Understand the concept of active listening
Learn the characteristics of effective positive responses to youth and their work
The Ask-Listen-Encourage workshop is part of the Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality's 'Youth Work Methods' series, and complements specific components of its Youth Program Quality Assessment framework.
Trainer: August Ball
Core Competencies Addressed: Health, Program Design
Target Audience: Direct Service, Program Supervision & Management
About this Training: Participants of the workshop will gain tools for behavior and conflict management, self-awareness, and navigating emotionally charged conversations. Teaching methods will include lecture, self-reflection, group discussion and role play scenarios. Development areas will include effective communication, giving and receiving feedback, active listening, facilitation and group management. Participants will:
Identify the frame work of group dynamics
Discuss and analyze the stages of group dynamics
Be exposed to a variety of conflict management prevention strategies
Practice utilizing covered strategies and tools
Trainer: Clintel Hasan & Alex Kautza
Core Competencies Addressed: Program Activities, Communities
Target Audience: Direct Service
About this Training: What Does It Mean to Lead Black and Brown Kids in THIS Moment? Putting Culturally Relevant Leadership Into ACTION is based on educational research from Brown University and is designed to equip all youth-serving professionals with the framework and related actions necessary to effectively lead young people while upholding the dignity inherent in the multifaceted identities (racial identity, socioeconomic status, faith tradition, etc.) of the young people they serve. Cultural competence, cultural relevance, and cultural responsiveness are terms that are rightly used often in serving the beautiful youth of our city, particularly our youth of color, but these terms are often expressed as theory without clear application. This session is designed to clarify the ACTIONS leaders can take as they strive to be culturally responsive and work for justice in the communities they serve. Participants will:
Be introduced to culturally relevant leadership and the associated best practices
Reflect on their own racial identity and personal background to identify how these facets of their identity influence their work and their view of the youth they serve
Identify relevant actions they can take to deepen their own consciousness of their identity and how it impacts their work with youth
Analyze how to put the best practices of culturally relevant leadership into practice for their specific organization and will draft an action plan to make their organization more culturally relevant
Trainer: Michael Joranger, SaintA
Core Competencies Addressed: Health, Program Design, Program Activities, Communities, Professionalism/Professional Development, Sustainability/Advocacy
Target Audience: Direct Service, Management & Supervision, Administration
About this Training: This training is an introduction to the model of trauma informed care that SaintA has developed over the past seven years and has implemented across all of its programs. Participants who attend this training will be able to:
Describe the prevalence of adverse experiences and the scope of their impact
Define and respond to behavior from a trauma informed perspective
Describe how trauma affects the brain and influences development, learning and behavior
Identify factors that enhance the capacity for positive relationships for children who have adverse experiences
Describe how purpose, belonging and safety enhance children’s well-being
Identify techniques that enhance caregiver capacity and connect them to outcomes
Identify action steps to enhance trauma informed services
Trainer: Dr. Anna Silberg
Core Competencies Addressed: Health, Program Activities, Professionalism/Professional Development, Sustainability/Advocacy
Target Audience: Direct Service, Management & Supervision, Administration
About this Training: This workshop will focus on key understandings of how the stress response is triggered in our brains and bodies. Participants will learn how the brain develops in stages and the evolutionary purpose of our nervous system’s flight, fight, fright, and freeze reaction. Through personal practice we will examine the link between strong emotions and the brain’s activation of the stress response. We will examine personal triggers for our stress response as well as triggers for the youth we serve. Upon examination of these triggers, participants will learn how to explain the stress response to others by demonstrating simple tools to explain the brain science. Additionally, we will practice research based strategies that calm the nervous system, stop the stress response and bring us to the highest levels of our brain, which allows us to be emotionally resilient and make thoughtful choices in difficult times rather than react unconsciously. By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Describe and explain a basic model of the brain that relates to the body’s stress response
Identify and summarize the 2 parts of nervous system and how that relates to the body’s stress and relaxation responses
Differentiate stress for themselves (e.g. Positive, Negative, Toxic) and how to assess other’s stress profiles
Recognize and interpret the physiology of emotions and use that information to develop resilient coping mechanisms when strong emotions are present
Demonstrate at least three techniques that regulate the nervous system, slow down the stress response, help us access the highest levels of our brain
Illustrate and employ the above mentioned concepts, topics, and practices with youth with whom they work